The Archducal Guard of Duckionary is an elite unit within the defence establishment, distinguished by its special training, military prowess and loyalty to the ruling house of Duckionary. The Guard was founded by Archduke Arthur in 2022.
The Guard is responsible for protecting the ruling house and government of Duckionary and also takes part in military operations at home and abroad. It is also responsible for security during state visits and important state occasions.
New members of the Guard must have Duckionary citizenship, be resident in Austria or Germany and have proven training in the military or security industry.
The uniform of the Archducal Guard was presented on 20 July 2024 as part of the Micro Euro Summit 2024 at Chyše Castle in Bohemia.
The Colonel of the Archducal Guard is Jan-Olav Spiekermann.
The Mounted Guard of Duckionary, consisting of a rider and a horse, is another branch of the Duckionary military.