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The political landscape of Duckionary is characterised by a variety of offices representing a broad spectrum. The first man in the state is the Archduke, and all decisions and laws must be approved by him. In order to have some democracy, there are also the offices of Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister for Crown Lands, Minister of Communications and Minister of Culture. The Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs is elected by the people. There is also the High Council, the Privy Council and the Crown Council, which support and advise the monarch in his decisions and daily tasks. Through this system, the citizens of Duckionary have a strong voice in political decisions. The best elements of the monarchy, aristocracy and democracy have been taken and integrated into a single state.


Duckionary politics is also characterised by the active participation of the people in politics through polls, referendums and citizens' question time.


Currently vacant ministerial posts are filled by the Archduke as an unofficial incumbent for as long as they remain open. 


On 06 July 2024, it was announced that two parties had been founded within Duckionary, namely the Liberal Party of Duckionary and the Conservative Party of Duckionary. The parties have no right of co-determination in parliament but are political clubs/forums in which citizens can exchange ideas and organise civic initiatives. They are forums for the formation of public opinion. The post of leader of the Conservative Party of Duckionary is currently vacant.


"On 06 July 2024, Consul Spiekermann established the Liberal Party of Duckionary. That move was inspired by the good election results of the Liberal Democrats (UK) at the 2024 United Kingdom general election, two days before. The program of the Liberal Party of Duckionary is heavily inspired by the Liberal Party (UK), which was established in 1859 as the merger of the classical liberal Whigs, the jacobin Radicals, the conservative Peelites and the Independent Irish Party and which in 1988 merged with the moderate Labour spin-off Social Democratic Party to form today's Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Party of Duckionary, like its British role model, is open towards a wide range of ideas, from liberal conservative, classical liberal, libertarian views to social liberal and even social democratic views. The Liberal Party of Duckionary is liberal, regionalist and anglophile. The Liberal Party of Duckionay defines itself as a political forum for all Citizens of Duckionary who are interested in building an open society with a fair deal for all members of society. Due to the constitutional nature of the Parliamentary Monarchy of Duckionary, the way of influencing Duckionary politics and society is less through elections but rather through open debates and voluntary citizens and civil society initiatives."        Text written by Jan-Olav Spiekermann


"The Conservative Party of Duckionary was founded on 06 July 2024. The party's leadership position is currently vacant. The programme of the Conservative Party of Duckionary is strongly based on the Conservative Party (UK), which was founded in 1834 as the successor to the Tory Party. The party is in favour of a combination of economic liberalism, social conservatism and a strong national consciousness. The core principles of the Conservative Party of Duckionary include the promotion of the free market, the preservation of national identity and traditions and support for a strong defence policy. The Conservative Party of Duckionary sees itself as an advocate of a stable and orderly society in which individual freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. It emphasises the importance of family, community and national sovereignty. She is also in favour of limited government that concentrates on the essential tasks and promotes the personal responsibility of citizens. Like its British counterpart, the Conservative Party of Duckionary endeavours to represent a broad spectrum of conservative ideas, from economic liberalism to traditional conservatism to modern progressive conservatism. The party is open to debate and is committed to strengthening civil society through voluntary initiatives and civic engagement."

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Lesen Sie mehr über die königliche Regierung von Duckionary in deutscher Sprache hier!


Read more about the Royal Government of Duckionary in English language here!

Regierung und Botschafter: Teammitglieder
Regierung und Botschafter: Team
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