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This page gives you access to all current government vacancies and jobs for which you may qualify as an applicant. To be eligible for any of these positions, you must hold Duckionary citizenship. So be sure you meet this requirement before applying. We wish you every success in your search for the perfect position!





Minister of Communications

Tasks: Management and development of the website and online presence 

Requirements: Able to work with WIX and social media sites


Minister of Culture

Tasks: Preserving and expanding Duckionary's culture, organising events, driving creative projects, etc.

Requirements: Well acquainted with Duckionary as well as interest and experience in the field of art and culture


Minister for  Crown Lands

Duties: Administration of the eight Crown Lands

Requirements: Interest in geography and willingness to visit the Crown Lands


Director General of the Central Bank

Tasks: Issuing banknotes and coins together with our designer Dias Han

Requirements: Basic understanding of finance


Archducal Secretary

Tasks: Supporting the Archduke in his daily tasks (administration, diplomatic visits, correspondence, interviews, etc.)

Requirements: Good knowledge of German, English and French, organisational and communication skills


Archducal Guardsman

Task: Guarding the Archduke on official occasions

Requirements: Lives within 100km of Duckionary, police knowledge, time flexibility

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