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Please submit press and media inquiries using the following means:

0043 677 63436650

Duckionary in the press (print and online)


(Germany), Elke Rott, Passauer Neue Presse, June 2021



(Czech Republic), Anita Mejzrová, Denik N, June 2022

 Arcivévoda, Marx and better Donald. Report on the micronárodů summit, but you can also see it


(France),, June 2023,just mention 

Un hommecrée a minuscule pays à l'intérieur de la Californie et s'en declare le sultan 


(Greece), June 2023,just mention

Slowjamastan: Ενα νέο σουλτανάτο γεννιέται στην ΚαλιφÏŒρνια


(Hungary),, June 2023,just mention

There is also a face and it can be said or written, and the megtette is magát szultánnak


(USA),, June 2023,just mention

Man Creates Tiny Country Inside California, Declares Himself Its Sultan


(USA),, June 2023, just mention

Man Creates Tiny Country Inside California, Declares Himself Its Sultan


(USA),, June 2023, just mention

Man Creates Tiny Country Inside California, Declares Himself Its Sultan


(France),, July 2023

Danube, the flower of the future of utopia (1/3) | Bienvenue in the micro-nations of Danube


(France),, August 2023

Coronation of Archduke Arthur I and the Rise of Micronational Coronations in Europe


(Germany), Propeller Publishers, GAF No 48, September 2023
Micronations Report 1 - Duckionary


(Sweden), The Ladonia Herald, March 2024

Diplomats from Ladonia, Obscurium, and Duckionary Visit Historic Neutral-Moresnet


(Liechtenstein), Free Cities Foundation, July 2024

Panagua: A New City-State Project at the Danube



Duckionary in books


(Australia), Harry Hobbs and George Williams, New South Wales University Press, November 2022

How To Rule Your Own Country




Duckionary on radio / podcasts


(Austria), Lee Wingate and Paul Watson, The Sweeper Podcast, September 2023

The Antarctic micronation with a football team (Duckionary part from 06:10)





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